Changes are not always a bad thing

It’s natural to believe that change is a bad thing at work. Change can be intimidating and frightening because it takes us out of our comfort zone. You know, that comfortable zone where we’d all like to stay for the rest of our lives! Implementing a new product or a project for your customers can be hard and stressful because people usually don’t like changes. However, if you approach the problem in the right way, it doesn’t need to be like that. We gathered some thoughts on how to make changes without stressing out and at the same time including everyone.

If possible, when implementing new products, use the existing equipment and tools. This way you shorten the learning time of all parties involved and provide a more stress-free experience. With digital solutions, this seems easier, but in truth, it is as important if not more. Our experiences show that if a solution is web-based, for example, a SmartGifty platform no additional, special programs, tolls or integrations are needed, it is easy to introduce and use. For example, a shop, restaurant or service provider doesn’t need anything other than a computer and an internet connection – both known and already present in most cases. This way, a fear of launching a new product is completely unnecessary.

One of the main goals when introducing something new is to optimize existing business processes and practices. Research shows that decreasing bureaucracy can simplify and reduce workload while also increasing efficiency. In the case of gift vouchers, there is a lot of manual work and a lot of administration on both sides – tenants and accounting. Shops, restaurants, and service providers do not have to count accepted gift vouchers or safeguard them and accounting is able to refund tenants fast and easily on a weekly, monthly or any other basis.