Revolutionizing shopping at BTC City with SmartGifty

In today’s fast-paced world, shopping should be convenient, eco-friendly, and customizable. BTC City in Slovenia understands these demands and is taking a bold step toward transforming the shopping experience. They’ve bid farewell to traditional gift vouchers and introduced the advanced gift card solution.

BTC City’s Shopping Evolution

BTC City, known for its status as a premier shopping hub with over 250 service providers spread across three strategic locations in Slovenia, has always strived to provide the best to its visitors. The introduction of gift cards is a testament to their commitment to enhancing the shopping journey for everyone who steps through their doors.

Seamless Transactions and Sustainable Choices

One of the key highlights of this transition is the seamless experience it offers. With SmartGifty, all transactions occur effortlessly through POS terminals or direct connections to cash registers, eliminating any friction in the shopping process. No more fumbling with paper vouchers or worrying about manual entries – it’s all taken care of.

But BTC City’s innovation doesn’t stop there. They’ve embraced sustainable development by offering not just digital gift cards but also eco-friendly paper gift cards. This choice allows shoppers to select their preferred option, combining modern convenience with environmental consciousness.

Transition Made Easy

If you’re wondering about existing paper vouchers, don’t fret. They remain valid until the end of 2023. And starting from the new year, BTC City will make it a breeze for customers to exchange their gift vouchers for these new-age gift cards.

Personalization and Control

SmartGifty solution and BTC City offer a range of designs, enabling shoppers to pick a card that reflects their style. But what sets these gift cards apart is the level of control they provide. You can monitor your expenses, check your card balance online, and gradually use your card balance, ensuring you have complete control over your shopping experience.

Transforming the Shopping Experience

Introduced in October, these gift cards are set to transform the shopping experience at BTC City. They offer a level of convenience and choice that visitors have longed for, making every shopping trip a memorable one.

If you’re eager to learn more about these new gift cards, you can find all the information you need here.

For those who want to dive deeper into the SmartGifty gift card management solution, you can reach out to the team at or fill out their contact form here.

BTC City’s transformation is not just about shopping; it’s about creating a truly exceptional experience. It’s about giving you the power to shop the way you want, with a touch of sustainability and a lot of convenience.